Sampad South Asian Arts ran an Artists in Schools Training Programme in January and June 2024. The programme was designed to upskill South Asian Freelance Artists in creative delivery for children and young people. This funding was central to our development of strategic initiative Sampad Associate Schools, ensuring Sampad’s learning programme continues to be of the highest quality as it grows and develops and that we have access to a range of South Asian artists who feel confident about delivering in schools.
The programme enabled 20 artists to take part in a paid training programme, led by experienced facilitators and educational specialists. The programme covered Safeguarding, Project management, School Environments, Facilitation Skills, an introduction to working with SEN Pupils, an introduction to the trauma informed brain, inclusive practice and good practice on evaluation Artists came from different art forms - dance, music, writing, film, drama and visual art. The artists ranged from early career to established but all had either limited or specific experiencece of working in school environments and importantly were keen to develop their understanding of the sector as well as refresh and adapt their current practice in order to work in a positively creative way with children and young people. The benefits of this programme are two fold – these artists are now able to respond to creative opportunities in schools with confidence and Sampad is benefitting from the enhanced skills, knowledge, networks and experience of independent practitioners who live and work in the communities that we serve.