Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do we apply?
Follow the application guidance — making sure to check that you have completed the Application Form for the relevant programme in full, and that you have supplied all mandatory attached documents
For guidance relating to Fellowships, click here.
2. How much can we apply for?
Grant applications can be for requested amounts up to a maximum of £5,000.
Commission applications can be for requested amounts up to a maximum of £10,000.
Fellowship applications can be for requested amounts up to a maximum of £5,000.
3. Do we have to be a registered charity?
Registered charities are not the only eligible kind of organisation. There are only a few circumstances (linked to certain aspects of governance or structure) when an organisation would be ineligible to apply: these are detailed in the What we can’t fund section of the Application Guidance for Grants and Commissions.
4. Do you support individuals?
Fellowships are our current strand of support for individuals. At present, our Grants and Commissions are only available to organisations. We are continuing to explore new approaches to supporting individuals in future funding rounds.
5. Can the Trust pay for a support worker to help me write my application?
As a small Trust with limited resources, we regret that we are currently unable to provide financial support for access needs, such as hiring a support worker to assist with your application. However, we are committed to reducing barriers and ensuring a more inclusive application process, particularly for those applying for Feeney Fellowships.
Our Trustees are actively reviewing options for access support with the goal of developing a fair and sustainable policy. While we work towards this, we’ve made several adjustments to make the application process more accessible to everyone:
We’ve simplified and streamlined the questions in our application forms to make them easier to understand and respond to.
We offer the option to submit your application via video or audio recording, allowing you to express yourself in a format that feels most comfortable. Many recent applicants have found this especially helpful in confidently sharing their ideas.
Additionally, depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for support through the UK government’s Access to Work program, which can help cover the cost of a support worker. You can find more information on what is available and how to apply here
We appreciate your understanding as we continue to improve our accessibility support and welcome any feedback on how we can make our processes even more inclusive.
6. Do you consider grants outside Birmingham?
Organisations must be based in or have a working presence in Birmingham, or make a significant contribution to life in Birmingham.
7. When is the best time to apply?
Applications for Grants and Commissions are accepted from 10am on 1st January each year. The deadline for applications is 5pm on 31st March each year. Decisions are made in May and all applicants will be notified of the outcome by 5pm on 31st May each year.
Applications for Fellowships are accepted from 10am on 1st July each year. The deadline for applications is 5pm on 30th September each year. Decisions are made in November and all applicants will be notified of the outcome by 5pm on 30th November each year.
8. Will you fund 100% of a project or organisation’s costs?
Yes, under exceptional circumstances — but you should keep in mind that we are a small Trust with limited funds available each year, and you should have a plan in place for what you would do if your application for a project or activity’s full costs was unsuccessful.
9. We are a new charity/organisation and do not yet have any public accounts. Does this matter?
Ordinarily, we would not be able to accept applications from organisations that are not able to provide a recent set of financial accounts, prepared to an accepted legal standard.
Sometimes we will consider applications from a new charity/organisation without public accounts, but we cannot guarantee to do so. You would need to explain your circumstances, and we would recommend contacting us first before you apply.
10. Do you acknowledge all applications?
Applicants will receive an auto-response to confirm that their applications have been safely received. If you do not receive an automated acknowledgment, please contact the Trust Administrator for guidance.
All eligible Grant and Commissions applicants will be notified of the outcome no later than 5pm on 31st May. All eligible Fellowship applicants will be notified of the outcome by 5pm on 30th November. Due to our limited capacity, we will be unable to provide detailed feedback on unsuccessful applications.
11. Do you expect us to spend the grant within a certain time?
You should tell us in your application when your project or activity will happen and when you expect it to be completed. Ordinarily, we would expect this to be within 12 months of receipt.
We will consider longer projects/activities or those that need a longer lead time, but you would need to explain your circumstances, and we would recommend contacting us first before you apply.
12. What happens if we no longer wish to spend the grant on the specified project? Can we spend it on something else?
No — any award from the Trust is considered as Restricted Funds, which must only be used for the purposes outlined in your application.
Sometimes we will consider requests to repurpose awards, but we cannot guarantee to do so. You would need to explain your circumstances, and we would require you to contact us to request permission for this change of purpose. We may withhold funds or request to be refunded if deviation from the approved purpose is deemed unacceptable.
13. You have already given us a grant. Can we apply again?
You may put in applications to subsequent annual meetings, but we will not commit to anything other than one-off awards — success in a previous round does not guarantee success in future rounds. We require a brief report on the outcome of your project/activity and will not consider any further applications until we have received that final report.
14. Do you support applications for core costs?
We focus on supporting specific projects/activities rather than core costs. You can include a proportion of overheads and/or management costs within your Grant application, but this should be no more than 20% of the cost of the project/activity in question.
In the case of Arts Commissions, our funds are only to be applied to the artist fees — not to other aspects of project/activity delivery or management.
15. Will you come and visit us?
Trustees reserve the right to visit projects and activities they have funded or are considering funding. Our standard terms usually ask for an invitation to see the project/activity culmination or performance.
16. Can we apply for equipment?
We will consider applications for equipment and anything else that may be helpful to the success of your project/activity. Where the cost of items of capital equipment is included, this needs to be demonstrably linked to the project/activity in question.